White Hybrid Bass Tourney

Catch for a Cause Fishing Tournament

Greers Ferry Lake
White/hybrid bass

Saturday, April 5, 2025
Line-In 6am and Line-Out 2:00pm
Launch & Weigh-In at Hill Creek Park Launch

Weigh-In hosted by BIG SARGE
of Radio Station 103.7 the BUZZ

Must BE Present to WIn
100% Payout
1ST PLACE $1,000
Largest White Bass $500 by Weight

Largest Hybrid Bass $500 by Weight
Top 16 places will be paid by weight
Prize payouts based upon 100 Boat Entries

PRICE $75 per boat, max 3 fishermen per boat.
Professional Guides can participate in this tournament.

Price $25 per kayak, max 3 kayaks to a team.

Click Here to download the GFWC White/Hybrid Bass Tournament Flyer

Click Here to fill out or download entry form

Entry Fee Payment
You can pay online via Credit Card/Debit Card, by Clicking Here. This is the easiest way of paying the Entry Fee.

You may pay at  monthly club meetings, 3rd Monday of each month at the Fairfield Bay Conference Center, Fairfield Bay, AR

You may pay at the Hill Creek Boat Ramp on April 5

Check out the Amazing Door Prizes

Entrants must launch at Hill Creek Park Launch.
Awards ceremony, weigh-in and cook out at Hill Creek Park, Greers Ferry Lake beginning at 2PM.

Purpose of Tournament

Take as many White and Hybrid Bass out of the lake as possible. The White and Hybrid Bass populations are out of control on Greers Ferry Lake. They eat a substantial portion of the bait fish in the lake. If we can remove many of both species, we should be able to have more bait fish for the Walleye, Crappie and Bass. This is a catch, clean and cook tournament. Fish will not be released back into the lake!

What Are We Doing With the Fish?

“The Other Side” a Men’s Drug and Alcohol Rehab Ministry in Wilburn, AR will clean the fish. They will keep some of the fish. The remainder will be donated to Local Food Bank Pantries and Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance. You may keep your catch if you like.

Tournament Rules

  1. Fish must be caught in Greers Ferry Lake or its tributaries.
  2. All Arkansas Game and Fish and Corp of Engineers Rules apply.
  3. All Entrants must have a valid Arkansas fishing license, unless 15 or younger.
  4. Fish must be caught on a hand-held pole.
  5. Both Live and Artificial baits may be used!
  6. Fish must be freshly caught on the day of tournament and need not be alive.
  7. Teams will consist of a Max of 3 People.
  8. Professional Guides may compete BUT only against other Pro Guides.
  9. Top winners may be subject to Lie Detector Test.
  10. Launch Hill Creek Greers Ferry Lake 6am
  11. Weigh in 2pm at Hill Creek Park Lauch

AGFC Daily Limits
Hybrid Bass-6 per person

White Bass
A. Stripes are faint, only one extended to the tail.
B. Body deep, more than 1/3 length.
C. Has one tooth path near the midline towards the back of the tongue.
Usually less than 3 pounds. WR: 5lbs, 3 oz.

white bass greers ferry lake

Hybrid/Striped Bass

A. Stripes are distinct, usually broken.
B. Body, deep, more than 1/3 length
C. Has 2 tooth patches near its midline on the back of tongue.
Usually more than 3lbs. 10-15lbs not unusual. WR 27lbs.

hybrid bass greers ferry lake


Guided Trips, Fishing Gear & Much More! Over $5,892 in prizes

4hr Fishing Trip $400 (1)

4hr Walleye Fishing Trip $400 (1)
Brad Skelton

White River Trout Fishing Trip $300 (2)
Grey Varnadore

$300 Cash (1)
Greers Ferry Heat and Air

$300 Cash (1)
Wood and Water-Greenbrier

Fish Finder $300  (1)
Red River Boating Center

Two Night Stay $250 (1)
Facci’s AirBNB

Lower Unit Service $250 (1)
Menne Marine Service

Klassic Inn Two Nights $220
Klassic Inn

Self-Inflating Life Vest $200(2)
Carlton Lake Realty

Bogg Bags $150 (2)
Lacey’s Marina

Gift Cards $100 (2)
Golden Outdoors

Black Falcon Drones $100 (3)
Janseens Restaurant Gift Certificates $100 (3)
Winston Law

Oil Change $100 (2)
Cowboy Chevrolet

Gift Card $100 (2)
Greers Ferry Bait &Tackle

Basket of Jellies, Cookies $100 (1)

Gift Certificate $75 (1)
Diamond State Scuba

Bugasalt Bug Zappers $50 (3)
Fishing Lures & Baits $100 (8)
FL Davis

Oil Change $100 (2)
Heartland Ford

Oil Change $100 (2)
Maxie Dodge

Oil Changee $80 (1)
JB Pit Stop

Class Chip Repair $60 (1)
Glass Doctor

 $50 Cash (1)
Deandra’s Design

$50 Cash (1)
Brewer Auto

4-Subway 6″ Sandwiches with Cookie $42 (1)

Mug $40 (1)
Dam Site Marina

Two Pizzas $25 (1)
:Family Market


White/Hybrid Bass Tournament, Saturday, April 5, 2025 Entry Form
Fill out this form for yourself and you can print out a copy of the entry form if you want to share it with someone else.

    Are you a GFWC Paid Member?

    (Waiver and Release) I hereby certify that I have read and understand all the rules of the White/Hybrid Bass Tournament. I agree to all the items and conditions of the rules. I grant White/Hybrid Tournament representatives and sponsors, an unconditional release of any liability for personal injury, death damage, or stolen property. I hereby grant and authorize GFWC the right to exhibit, publish pictures or videos of myself or others with me, while we are participating in the tournament.


    Have You Made Payment?
    Please prove you are human by selecting the key.