2025 White/Hybrid Bass Fishing Tournament
Tournament Entry Form
Tournament Flyer
Greers Ferry Walleye Club
Monthly Meetings-3rd Monday of each month, 6:30pm
Fairfield Bay Conference Center
110 Lost Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay, AR 72088

Club Memership
Learn all about becoming a Club Member

Round Table Training
Become a member to participate in Round Table training

Fishing maps
Become a member to have access to fishing maps
mission statement
Education, Sharing. Partnering
The mission of the Greers Ferry Walleye Club (GFWC) is embedded in it’s Core Values: Educating local anglers, Sharing information with GFWC members, and Partnering with Ferderal, State, and Local authorities.

About us

The Beginning: How we started
The Club came about by two fisherman having a hard time catching Walleye on Greers Ferry Lake.

All welcomed: novice and experts
Our club is made up of novice fishermen who have never fished for Walleye and others who were Professional Walleye Tournament fishermen.

share: not compete
Greers Ferry Walleye Club is not about competing, instead it is about sharing and just having fun on Greers Ferry Lake.
Fishing Reports
Paid members have access to Fishing Reports posted by GFWC members. (Members choose how much information they share.)

Door Prizes
Attendees to the monthly meetings are able to purchase tickets to win door prizes. All prizes are high quality items-great prizes.

Training on the Lake
Paid members are able to receive on the lake training from those who have spent some time fishing on Greers Ferry Lake.

Access to Website
Paid members have full access to the GFWC Member website that offers tons of features and insights to help members.

Club Benefits
Fishing Reports, Seminars, ‘Round Table Training’, Training on the Lake, How to Videos, Buy tickets for Door Prizes
GFWC Products
Our Sponsors
Every verified GFWC member receives 10% off on all purchases at Greers Ferry Bait & Tackle.
PickMeUP is a pickup and delivery service for the Greers Ferry area. Fees as low as $10.
Greers Ferry Lake