The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) needs your help! AGFC needs anglers at Greers Ferry Lake to record their catch now through July 31st , 2025. (Done on a volunteer basis, not required,) A Survey123 app called “Count My Catch” has been created to allow anglers to record their catch from their phone or computer. This is so AGFC can learn more about angler catch and harvest rates on Greers Ferry Lake. Information collected will help biologists determine future harvest regulations (such as Walleye daily creel limits)
Collecting this valuable data is easy!
Two ways to enter data into “Count My Catch”
Survey123 app approach
-Need to download Survey123 app to smartphone
-Can be used offline
-Can save fishing trip submissions to the Outbox to edit later
The most recommended approach if you have a smartphone

Web-based approach
-Can be used from computer or smartphone
-Requires internet connection
-Cannot edit past fishing trip submissions
The recommended approach if you are entering information from a computer
Tip: If you are unable to enter your catch data while on the water, bring a notebook and pencil and record your trip start and end times and fish lengths to enter into the database at a later time.